Title: |
E-Learning course - Patient safety in clinical and resource poor settings |
Keywords: |
Health facilities
Country: |
Institution: |
Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
Course coordinator: |
PD Dr. med. Svetla Loukanova
About duration and dates: |
This course can be started at anytime of the year. The participants have 6 weeks to complete all modules Final due date for post-course assignments: post-course final test is due 2-3 weeks after the last scheduled course day. |
Classification: |
advanced optional
Mode of delivery: |
ECTS credit points: |
3 ECTS credits
90 hrs
Student module input hours: Modules 1 & 2 is 7,5 h each, Module 3 is 65 h, assignments within the modules - 7 h, final asynchronized multiple-choice questions test - 3h. |
Language: |
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Exploring factors of system engineering
- Use system engineering as a model for an integrated approach in patient safety
- Critically analyze the importance of risk management, related to provider organisations and processes, including diagnostic and medication management and comprehensive care.
- Develop patient safety measures in clinical setting. |
Assessment Procedures:
The assessment procedures include:
- Full completion of the content within the modules, which is indicated automatically on the platform. In addition, the individual assignments, integrated into each module are graded. The completion is documented automatically on the platform The completion is marked within a table for monitoring and grading of the participants. (60%)
- Active participation in technical discussions on the platform of the course (10%)
- Final asynchronized multiple-choice questions test with time-limit of 45 min with 2 attempts. The best attempt is taken as final. (30%)
If students fail the assessment, an opportunity will be offered to them to re-take the test with other combination of questions and with two attempts. The best attempt will be taken as final. |
This self-directed E-learning course gives general understanding on patient safety and an integrated approach to patient safety programmes by focusing on different dimensions.
The course consists of three Modules:
Module 1: Systems Perspectives of Patient Safety
Module 2: Patient Safety Risks and Risk Management
Module 3: Patient Safety Measures Implementation
After introduction to the role of system engineering (utilizing the systems thinking principle in the design, management and integration of complex processes in health care delivery) as a model for an integrated approach in patient safety, the systems perspective of patient safety and patient safety risks and risk management, the last module will invite the participants to enter a virtual hospital, and look out for any type of potential patient safety issue in different stations, so called “hotspots”. The “hotspots” are taken as an example in the context of LMICs.
The course provides check lists and tools in risk management in 9 hotspots, including: central patient reception area, intensive care unit, operating theatre, central sterilization, ward management station (admission, documentation in patient file, implementation of expert nursing standards, use of SOPs, management of medications, patient information and confidentiality, communication in the ward, continual medical education and on-job trainings, discharge planning, transfusion management), pharmacy and supply, infection prevention and hospital hygiene management, obstetric care, management of human resources.
Once the students clicked on the relevant hotspot, an explanation will pop up on the following: (i) what is the patient safety issue or topic; (ii) what are preventive measures and follow up measures; (iii) additional information and materials are available for download on each hotspot. |
The course is offered as a self E-learning course, providing a flexibility to the students to enter and complete the modules at their convenience. It uses a mixture of provision of content in lecture modus, case studies on a practical implication of the concepts, multiple choice self-test questions. Two electronic forums for organizational questions and technical questions give at any time the opportunity for direct contact to the main tutor of the course and technical experts, who are ready to answer questions and give additional input in case of need. The course is with 90 h students investment time, incl. modules completion, reading materials, discussions on the online forums, final multiple - choice questions test.
The course is divided into 3 modules, each module follows a set of standardised elements based on the overall didactic setup and course structure: content of the modules are framed through the elements of an introduction, providing a general outlook on the module, including learning objectives, guiding questions and time requirements. 3-4 units are provided with the core content based on learning objectives, summary of the module, self-assessment questions and modular assignments. The Module units are released sequentially: After finishing Unit 1, Unit 2 will become available. The Each module is linked to a number of obligatory and optional resources. Course glossary contains all important terms and definitions for the course. The course provides a comprehensive checklists for Patient Safety and list with Tools in Risk Management.
The main learning methods applied are:
● Self-directed learning where students make use of the materials into the units to meet the learning objectives. Each module consists of several online units. As soon as one module is completed, the next module will be opened automatically. The schedule and specific elements for each module have been designed in accordance with the module’s curriculum and learning objectives.
● Learning materials include:
- Digitalized modules with units
- Reading materials both obligatory and recommended
- Short videos
- Glossary
- graphical presentation of the “Hotspots”
● A tutor will be available to answer questions through the platform of the course (asynchron) and one video chat(s) will be offered on demand to assist participants with the contents of the modules and reflection of coming questions and guided examples.
● A Forum discussion will take place on the discussion board during the whole course. The forum will include questions for reflection and discussion in order to guide the directed learning. Students can initiate discussion topics as well. The tutor will monitor the discussions and give feed- back on key points. Both discussion forum and video chats will enable students to exchange research experiences, ask questions and give peer feed back. |
This course is held in English and is open to students, clinical staff, management staff, public health. Fluency in English (B1-B2) (Reading, Speaking and Writing) is required. |
A Maximum of 100 students at the same time can attend the course. Smaller groups of up to 30 students can be organised internally for better communication and management. There is no limit in the number of TropEd students. |
First come, first serve |
tropEd accreditation:
Accredited EC Meeting March 2021 |
Key references:
Patient Safety: Making health care safer, WHO /HIS/ SDS/ 2017.11. © World Health Organization 2017.
The AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: A Tool to Plan and Evaluate Patient Safety Programs. Katherine J. Jones, PT.
Requirements on Clinical Risk Management Systems in Hospitals
Course Checklists for Patients Safety
Course Tools in Risk Management |
Date Of Record Creation: |
2021-03-19 05:50:31 (W3C-DTF) |
Date Of Record Release: |
2021-03-19 11:54:10 (W3C-DTF) |
Date Record Checked: |
2021-03-19 (W3C-DTF) |
Date Last Modified: |
2024-01-12 17:48:28 (W3C-DTF) |