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Economics and Financing for Health Services (former name: Health Economics and Economic Analysis)
Description: Overall Objective: By the end of the module each student should be able to critically discuss, exchange and share views about health economics and health systems financing Specific Objectives...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-01-20
Institution: Germany - Institute of International Health, Berlin
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Clinical Management of Tropical Diseases (CMTD)
with optional supplement:
Occupational Medicine in International Health (OMIH)

Description: By the end of the CMTD course, students should be able to: • Analyse and differentiate the clinical presentations of major infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-02-10
Institution: Germany - Institute of International Health, Berlin
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Implementation research for public health
Description: . At the end of the course students are expected to be able to: 1. Formulate implementation research problem statement 2. Explain the characteristics of implementation research 3. Identify...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-08-19
Institution: Indonesia - Post Graduate Programme, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
ECTS credit points: 4 ECTS credits
Quality Management in International Health
Description: By the end of the module the participants should be able to: • Explain the history and development of Quality Management for health, including the concept of Total Quality Management. •...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-07-14
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 4 ECTS credits
Proposal Writing as a Consultancy Skill
Description: The overall objective of this course is to enable health professionals, managers, and students to understand and apply the concepts and principles of proposal writing in the field of...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-04-07
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Consultancy Skills in International Cooperation in Health –Evaluation of Health Facilities, Projects and Programmes
Description: At the end of the course the participants will be able to: a. Identify, adapt and use principles, processes and tools for evaluation of LMIC health facilities, projects and programmes (including...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-03-24
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Financing Health Care: Concepts, Challenges and Practices
Description: By the end of this course participants will be able to: • Recognise the positive and normative foundations of health care financing, with specific reference to the discourse on health systems...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-04-28
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Global Challenges in Reproductive Health: Evidence and Tools for Programme Implementation
Description: By the end of this course participants will be able to: • Analyse Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) policy in its historical context, as well as the MDG/SDG context. • Critically assess...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-03-31
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Leadership and Change Management in International Health
Description: The overall objective of this course is to explore advanced topics in leadership as it pertains to change management in dynamic health care environments found in low- and middle-income countries and...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-03-10
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Mixed Methods in International Health Research
Description: Focusing on the joint application of quantitative and qualitative tools and methods, this course aims to train participants to conduct mixed methods research. At the end of the module the student...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-05-26
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
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Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany