Student Representatives

student representative


The student representative group is an OPEN group – every student who wishes to contribute to improving the situation for tropEd students, or has an interesting troped-related project he/she wants to follow and is looking for support is warmly invited to join us!


our activities focus on:​

Improving communication within tropEd

better service and responding to the students needs by collecting critique points and ensure that they are fed back comprehensively to the tropEd secretariat and institutions

Foster communication, exchange and networking among tropEd students

moderating and maintaining the facebook group and being (physically) present at each home institution

Serving as link between students and tropEd institutions

in particular be a joint voice of all students at the tropEd General Assembly but also supporting students at each home institution

reorganizing student representation

setting up a new structure to achieve a sustainable and permanent student representation


Online working space

facilitates our work and document our activities – so knowledge can be passed on to newcomers and next generations can build on past work.

General Assembly representation

One (sometimes two) of us participate the tropEd General Assembly. At this opportunity we can feedback the students voices to the institutions.



REACH OUT TO US! We are here to help


our activities focus on:​

Improving the tropEd website

better service and responding to the students needscollecting critique points and ensure that they are fed back comprehensively to the tropEd secretariat and institutions

Foster communication, exchange and networking among tropEd students

moderating and maintaining the facebook group being (physically) present at each home institution

Serving as link between students and tropEd institutions

in particular be a joint voice of all students at the tropEd General Assembly but also supporting students at each home institution

reorganizing student representation

setting up a new structure to achieve a sustainable and permanent student representation


Regular Meetings

About every 2 months we have an online meeting to discuss current issues.

Online working space

facilitates our work and document our activities – so knowledge can be passed on to newcomers and next generations can build on past work.


The online working space will be open to all tropEd students, so everybody can look up any time which projects we are currently working on

General Assembly representation

One (sometimes two) of us participate the tropEd General Assembly. At this opportunity we can feedback the students voices to the institutions.


You can sign up for the mailing list for updates about organizational issues or join the facebook group.


Flora (who is one of the few of us who doesn’t plan to finish the master in 2017) will be continuously present in the working group for the whole SR period until 2019. To facilitate our work she will also be the main contact point for the tropEd secretariat.



REACH OUT TO US! We are here to help

join us!

Shambhunath Mohan
MSc-IH, CIH LMU-Münich

Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany