


Courses Repository - Full Resource Record Display
Title: Maternal and child health: in low and middle income countries
Keywords: SDGs
Planning and programming
Maternal Health
Child health
Country: Morocco
Institution: Morocco - École Nationale de Santé Publique
Course coordinator: Dr. Bouchra Assarag
Date start: 2020-12-01
Date end: 2020-12-18
About duration and dates: Total: 10 days: - Face-to-face course: 5 days = 40 h (8h/day) - E-learning: 5 days = 10h (2days x 2h/day before + 3 days x 2h/day after the face to face part)+ 10h for individual reading
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Blended-learning
Course location:
ENSP: École Nationale de Santé Publique (National School of Public Health)
Rue Lamfedel Cherkaoui, Madinate Al Irfane ;BP 63 29: Rabat
tropEd representative: Dr Raja Benkirane
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
A total of 60 Hours are dedicated to this training
- self-study hours: 10 h e-learning+ 10h for individual reading
‒ class attendance: 40 h face to face
Language: French
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. Analyse the strategies in the fight against maternal and child mortality and morbidity in low and middle income countries
2. Synthesise the strengths and limitations of maternal and child health programs in Morocco
3. Construct the steps for implementing the priority activities to respond to a specific identified maternal and child health problem

4. Categorise the indicators for monitoring and evaluation of planned activities
Assessment Procedures:
The assessment in relation to the learning outcomes is organized during and after the course. The assessment methods are based on:
• Critical analysis of the Moroccan strategy in maternal and child health group work: 20%
• Synthesis of a scientific article: critical analysis of a scientific article related to maternal and child health based on individual work to assess the critical thinking of the student in relation to his work environment and to what level the recommendations of the article meet their needs in their countries and what are their proposals to improve the situation in their countries: 20%
• Examination using questions or case studies (2 -3 hours): 60%

Each part will be assessed individually the minimum in each part cannot be less than 5/20; and the participant must have a mean of all the parts 10/ 20 to validate his module.

Of the evaluation will be communicated to the students at most 15 days after the evaluation of the module.

RE SIT: Students who did not succeed the assessments will re sit the examination with ENSP e-learning platform one week later.
Chapter 1: Analyse the strategies in the fight against maternal and child mortality and morbidity in low and middle income countries
• SDGs, challenges and priorities for maternal and child health in the world and in low and middle income countries
• Strategies in the fight against maternal, neonatal and child mortality and morbidity
Chapter 2: Formulation of Maternal and child health programs
• Frameworks and guidelines to develop and implement the strategies programs of MCH
• Maternal and Child Health Programs in Morocco and other countries (prepared by students)
Chapter 3: Monitoring and evaluation system of Maternal and child health
• Maternal and Child Health Indicators
• Monitoring system for the management of maternal and child health
The teaching methods used consist of:
• Lectures followed by discussions
• Sharing the experiences
• Critical analysis of a Moroccan film about mortality and maternal morbidity and neonatal
• Individual work (application exercise, article to analyze...)
Academic degree:
- Academic degree in health sciences (Professionals working in the field of health (doctors, midwives, nurses, program managers ...)

- Required French level C1 (If the candidate does not have certificates to demonstrate the required level, an oral and writing test via e-mail and Skype will be organized)

Organizational arrangements:

- Students must submit their application to the ENSP two months in advance
- Selected candidates will be informed one month in advance.
If a minimum of 30 participants is not reached, the course will be canceled and participants will be notified one month in advance.
Max. number of Moroccan students is 30
Max. Number of tropEd students is 20, those students interested to work in low and middle-income countries and having an acceptable level in French.
Participants are selected based on an interview if there are more eligible candidates than the max. number of students that can be admitted (Professionals working in the field of health (managers, doctors, midwives, nurses, program managers ...)
500 Euro (5000 MAD)
Scholarships: NA
tropEd accreditation:
First presented in Rabat GA meeting, February 2020. Accredited in TropEd GA Online (Hamburg), August 2020 (EC TelCO). This accreditation is valid until August 2025.
Required readings

- OMS, la Stratégie Mondiale pour la santé de la femme, de l'enfant et de l'adolescent (2016-2030), WHO 2015
- WHO, la prévention et l’élimination du manque de respect et des mauvais traitements lors de l’accouchement dans des établissements de soins /RHR/ Organisation mondiale de la Santé 2014
- Royaume du Maroc, Ministère de la sante Enquête nationale sur la population et santé familiale 2018, www.santé
- Royaume du Maroc, Ministère de la santé Éliminer les décès évitables des mères et des nouveau-nés Stratégie 2017-2021 «Toute mère et tout nouveau-né comptent», www.santé et évaluation, guide de la Direction de la population 2016
- OMS, Objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies (ODD), 2015.
Optional reading
- Constitution 2011 Maroc, Dahir n° 1-11-91 du 27 chaabane 1432 (29 juillet 2011) Portant promulgation du texte de la Constitution.
- Royaume du Maroc, Ministère de la sante Plan Santé 2025, www.santé
- OMS, Stratégie de coopération OMS-Maroc 2017-2021 ; WHO EMRO 2016
Email Address:
Date Of Record Creation: 2020-09-10 06:50:48 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2020-09-10 11:59:37 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2020 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2021-11-21 19:42:15 (W3C-DTF)

Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany