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Economics and financing for healthcare services in a developing country
Description: At the end of the module, the student should be able to: ● Critically appraise the health financing system in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) context; ● Explain the fundamental economic...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2024-09-09
Institution: Vietnam - Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH)
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Bridging the Gap between Research and Health Policy making
Description: By the end of this course, students should be able to: 1. Describe the key elements of, and create a comprehensive policy-level communication strategy 2. Develop simple and compelling written and...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2023-05-22
Institution: Vietnam - Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH)
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
How to write a Policy Brief
Description: At the end of the course the participants should be able to: 1. Identify the different steps of evidence informed policy making 2. Search for scientific and contextual evidence 3. Assess the...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2021-07-06
Institution: Morocco - École Nationale de Santé Publique
ECTS credit points: 4 ECTS credits
Impact Evaluations for Health Systems Strengthening (IE-HSS)
Description: At the end of this course participants will be able to: ● Critically analyse how multiple stakeholder needs in the health system influence the design of an evaluation strategy, as well as...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-05-12
Institution: The Netherlands - Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Financing Health Care: Concepts, Challenges and Practices
Description: By the end of this course participants will be able to: • Recognise the positive and normative foundations of health care financing, with specific reference to the discourse on health systems...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-04-28
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Economics and Financing for Health Services (former name: Health Economics and Economic Analysis)
Description: Overall Objective: By the end of the module each student should be able to critically discuss, exchange and share views about health economics and health systems financing Specific Objectives...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-01-20
Institution: Germany - Institute of International Health, Berlin
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Development and Application of Vaccines in Global Health
Description: At the end of the course, participants will be able to: 1. Explain how vaccines work to provide individual and population immunity at an advanced level. 2. Describe the steps in the development...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-06-10
Institution: Spain - Barcelona Institute for Global Health - University of Barcelona
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Planetary and Human Health in All Policies Training for Multisectoral Action (former name: Health in All Policies Training for Multisectoral Action)
Description: At the end of the module students will be able to: ● Critically discuss examples of Planetary Health and Health in All Policies implementation at the local, regional and/or global level and...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-03-10
Institution: Germany - Institute of International Health, Berlin
ECTS credit points: 2.5 ECTS credits
Social Determinants of Health from a Global Perspective
Description: At the end of the course students will be able to: 1. Assess the global distribution of health outcomes (burden of disease) and their social determinants and make relevant comparisons between...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2024-10-15
Institution: Spain - Barcelona Institute for Global Health - University of Barcelona
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Communication, Marketing and Social Media (former name: Social Marketing and Communication)
Description: After successfully completing the module, students will be able to: ● Apply key social marketing concepts, principles and ethical considerations ● Practise the various planning steps in...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-05-05
Institution: Switzerland - Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute, Basel
ECTS credit points: 6 ECTS credits
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Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany