


Courses Repository - Full Resource Record Display
Title: Health economics
Keywords: Financing
Health systems
Burden of diseases
Health economics
Country: Morocco
Institution: Morocco - École Nationale de Santé Publique
Course coordinator: Pr Chakib Boukhalfa
Date start: 2022-04-11
Date end: 2022-04-22
About duration and dates: 10 days One day for “Introduction to Health Economics“, Monday 11 April 2022. Three days for “Typology of costs and their estimates”, starts from Tuesday 12 April 2022 to Thursday 14 April 2022. Three days for “Economic evaluation of health programs, for Friday 15 April 2022 and from Monday
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Course location: ENSP: École Nationale de Santé Publique (National School of Public Health)
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
SIT: A total of 60 Hours are dedicated to this training (30 hours per week)
-Self-study hours: 10 Hours ( before training)
-Class attendance: 50 Hours (during the training), 5 Hours/Day
Language: French
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to:
- Apply the concepts of direct / indirect / intangible cost for measuring the economic costs of a health program.
- Describe the beveridge, bismarck, liberal and sub saharan model of health financing.
- Describe universal health coverage.
- Compare different interventions to reduce the importance of a health problem with Cost effectiveness analysis
- Calculate the burden of disease DALY "Disability Adjusted Life Year" and the QALY "Quality Adjusted Life Year".
Assessment Procedures: - Formative evaluation

The assessment in relation to the learning outcomes is organized during the training. The assessment methods are based on:

For the first, fourth and the last objective learning: Individual work based on practical exercises during the training on cost calculation, cost-effectiveness analysis and calculation of DALY and QALY. After each practical exercise, a few students will be chosen to present their work. This method will be applied over the two weeks so that all students present their individual work. 70% of the overall score.
The presentation will be on different works. There are different types of cost (direct cost, indirect cost, marginal cost, etc.), and different economic evaluation analysis (Cost-Minimization Analysis, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Cost-Utility Analysis, Cost-benefit Analysis)

For the second and the third learning objectives: Oral presentation PPT: (Presentation of the health system and the funding situation of the country of origin or a country of the participant’s choice) 30% of the overall score.

RE SIT: Students who did not succeed the assessments will re sit the examination with ENSP e-learning platform one to week later.
Content: Chapter I : Introduction to health economics
Section 1: Relationship between economy and health
Section II: Calculation of an economic aggregate
Section III: Presentation of health aggregates
Chapter II: The typology of costs and their estimates
Section I: Typology of costs and application
Section II: Accounting methods for calculating costs
Chapter III: The organization of a health system and its financing
Section I: Financing of different health systems around the world
Section II: Organization and financing in developing countries health system
Section III : National Health Accounts (NHA)
Chapter IV: Economic evaluation of health programs
Section I: Different types of health-economic evaluation
Section II: Burden of disease DALY and the QALY
Methods: • Lectures followed by discussions ( To read before coming to class) 10 hours for self study
• Applications and practical cases
• Felt board.
• Case studies.
• Documentary film (Discussion after watching of the film).
Prerequisites: Academic degree:
- Diploma in medicine, nurse, pharmacist or other professionals active in the health care sector) or Bachelor degree in public health, management or economics.

- Advanced level in French, (If the candidate does not have a certificate to demonstrate the required level, an oral and written test by e-mail and Skype will be organized)

Basic computer skills:
Operating systems (Windows and MacOS) Office suites (Microsoft Office), presentation software (PowerPoint) Spreadsheets (Excel, etc.)
Attendance: A maximum of 30 Students
A minimum of 10 students is required to launch the training
Number of trop Ed students : with a maximum of 7 students
Selection: To apply, people wishing to take this course must submit an online and / or ENSP application form in accordance with the procedures and deadlines.

- The file will consist of an application file to download from the site.
- A cover letter
- A letter of recommendation from a professor from the home institution would be desirable.
Students must submit their application to the ENSP two months in advance.
Selected candidates will be informed one month in advance.
1. The review of candidates' files will be used to establish the pre-selection lists.
2. Participants will be selected based on a face to face interview for the candidates based in Rabat and for the others by teleconference.
The selection questions will focus on the motivations and professional objectives in post-training and their main areas of interest in the field of health economics
Admission results are then announced following this.
It is essential to have an excellent command of the French language to be able to benefit from this study program. Knowledge of English is an advantage.
Fees: 500 Euros (5000 MAD)
Scholarships: NA
tropEd accreditation: Accredited at tropEd EC Telco Nov 2021. Valid until Nov 2026
Remarks: Required readings
- Available Health Economics literature: particularly introduction, economic assessment learning units, cost analysis and learning units on health financing.
- Glossary "Economics and health financing"
- WHO report, 2010. Financing health systems: the road to universal coverage
- Methods of economic evaluation of health programs, Mickael F. Drummond and Bernie J. O'brien, 1998.
- WHO's Policy Brief reports on health financing:
Optional readings (good to know)
- Book "Hospital Analytical Accounting", Jacques Crolier, Patrick Medea, Yvan Perard, 2003, PRESSES of the EHESP.
- Guides for the development of National Health Accounts
- Health Financing Systems: How to Reduce Catastrophic Spending (Technical Abstracts for Policy Makers, Issues 2, 2005)
Email Address:
Date Of Record Creation: 2022-02-23 01:45:13 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2022-02-23 07:50:05 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2022-02-23 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2022-02-23 07:50:05 (W3C-DTF)

Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany