Title: |
Quality Improvement - A Prerequisite for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) (English) |
Keywords: |
Monitoring and evaluation
Health systems
Country: |
Institution: |
Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
Course coordinator: |
PD Dr. med. Svetla Loukanova
About duration and dates: |
This course can be started at anytime of the year. Participants have 6 weeks to complete all materials. Deadline for post-course assignments: the final exam must take place 2 to 3 weeks after the last day of the course. |
Classification: |
advanced optional
Mode of delivery: |
ECTS credit points: |
3 ECTS credits
SIT: SIT 225 hours
Student module input hours: 100.5 h, group work 36 h, independent study: 88.5 h
Time distribution in different modules is:
• Modules 1, 4, 5, 6 & 7 are 21 hours each,
• Module 2 & 3 are 14 hours each
Distribution of time for these seven modules is: individual engagement with learning material 60%, chats and discussion 15%, assignments 25%.
• Module 8 is 60 hours.
Distribution of time for this Transfer project module is: On-line individual engagement 20%, chats and discussions 10%, individual assignment investment 70%. |
Language: |
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
• Study the main factors in the health care system that affect the quality of health care services;
• Critically assess the appropriateness and limitations of implementing regulatory frameworks to ensure quality;
• Apply a systemic approach using Quality Improvement tools;
• Design a system to monitor or evaluate a QI process in a health facility;
• Determine why quality improvement in health systems is essential for better outcomes;
• Critically evaluate current methods of health financing and their impact on the quality of health care. |
Assessment Procedures:
The genuine work of participants in an online course is assured through the online platform with statistics for all activities done, incl. time spend on the materials and assignments. Certification is planned for those who complete the course as follows:
- Full completion of modules and related assignments (60 %)
- Active participation in technical discussions on the course platform (10 %)
- Final test (30 %)
The assignments in the modules are based on the pass-fail system. The pass mark for the multiple -choice questions final test is at least 60%. The final test can be repeated in case of need. |
This short course introduces the basics of quality improvement concepts. Participants will be introduced to the current concept of the health system, quality concepts, quality improvement strategies, and related financial concepts in the context of universal health coverage. Examples of international quality issues and methods for identifying opportunities for improvement will be presented to participants. Issues specific to patient safety and human resource interventions for quality improvement will also be discussed.
− Module 1: Introduction to Quality and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
− Module 2: Frameworks and regulatory mechanisms
− Module 3: Systems approach to improve quality in current practice
− Module 4: Monitoring and evaluating quality in health
− Module 5: Financial mechanisms for quality towards UHC |
It is an online self-learning course, offering learners the flexibility to complete the modules at their convenience. It includes both theoretical content, practical applications of concepts using case studies, and self-assessments. Two forums will be dedicated to communication with the lead trainer and technical experts who will answer questions and provide additional information. Learners will need about 90 hours to complete the course (modules, reading material, discussions on the online platform and possible exchanges with experts).
The course is divided into 5 modules, each module follows a set of standardized elements based on the overall didactic configuration and structure of the course: The content of the modules is framed by the following elements: introduction, overview of content and objectives, 3-4 lessons based on learning objectives, module summary, self-assessment questions and modular assignments.
The main learning methods applied are the following:
• Self-directed learning where students use course materials to achieve learning objectives. Each module consists of several online lessons. As soon as a module is completed, the next module opens automatically. The schedule and specific elements of each module have been designed according to the program and learning objectives of the module.
• A tutor will be available to answer questions via the course platform on demand and a video chat will be scheduled to help participants with the content of the modules and reflection on upcoming questions and guided examples.
• A discussion on the forum will take place on the discussion board throughout the course. The forum will include reflection and discussion questions to guide directed learning. Students may also initiate discussion topics. The tutor will monitor the discussions and provide feedback on key points. The discussion forum and video chats will allow students to share their research experiences, ask questions and provide feedback to their peers. |
Proficiency in French Level B2. There are no special IT requirements. |
The optimal number of students is 30 per group - there is no limit in the number of TropEd students. |
First come, first serve |
tropEd accreditation:
Accredited March 2021 at EC Telco. This accreditation is valid until March 2026. |
This course runs in collaboration with:
evaplan GmbH am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Ringstr. 19B, 69118 Heidelberg | Tel: + 49 6221 138230
common sense - eLearning & training consultants GmbH
Sommergasse 2/12 | A-1190 Wien | Tel: +43 1 913 66 76 http://www.common-sense.at |
Email Address: |
anne-kathrin.fabricius@uni-heidelberg.de |
Date Of Record Creation: |
2022-05-30 09:33:02 (W3C-DTF) |
Date Of Record Release: |
2022-05-30 14:37:56 (W3C-DTF) |
Date Record Checked: |
2022-05-30 (W3C-DTF) |
Date Last Modified: |
2024-01-12 17:38:14 (W3C-DTF) |